Prevent Tree Damage – Learn to Safely Hang your Hammock

Relaxing in a hammock is a great way to de-stress after a long day at work. You have already purchased a hammock but need to decide how and where to hang your hammock. An improperly hung hammock can cause irreversible damage to the tree and will be unsafe for the Hammocker. Even short periods of time spent in a improperly hung hammock is taking a risk of injury.

Key Steps to Safely Hang a Hammock Without Tree Damage

1. Identify two healthy trees about 15 feet apart that are at least 12 inches diameter and free of fungus or peeling bark.

2. Choose thick webbing straps to create broad,even friction around the tree. This simple step will disperse the hammock weight more evenly.

3. Use a Hammock Calculator to gauge the distance off the ground you will be attaching the suspension and make sure the tree can support the weight.

4. Remove the Hammock straps when finished to prevent the tree from being damaged by a long term hang.

You can use almost any healthy tree to hang your hammock as long as they meet the criteria. Get to know the types of trees in your region by speaking with a tree specialist. Peaceful relaxation in a hammock should not be stressful. If damaging a tree is holding you back, simply buy a portable hammock stand.

Identify Healthy Trees available to Hang Your Hammock

Find a healthy tree that can withstand the pressure of a large hammock and your weight. The tree must have a large base that can easily hold the amount of weight to hold and maintain the heaviest person who will be relaxing in your hammock.

A person will relax for hours in a hammock which can add lots of pressure on your tree bark. There can be long term damage to your tree if you fail to find the best tree for hanging your hammock. Read on to discover how to hang a hammock?

There are many ways to choose healthy trees for hanging your hammock. These include size, diameter and circumference, distance and spacing between trees, poisonous plants, brush, dead branches, tree bark, weather concerns, great view and type of trees.

The size of your tree is the most important thing in hanging your hammock. Choose healthy trees with a strong base. If you can shake the tree, it is not meant for hanging your hammock.

Diameter and circumference is also important when choosing a tree for handing your hammock An ideal tree for holding a weighted hammock is about 12 inches in diameter.

Distance and spacing between trees will give you what is needed to hang your hammock. You will need two trees that are adequately spaced apart to hang your hammock. Both trees must be large enough to hold a heavy weight and the pressure that comes from holding massive amounts of weight for long periods of time.

Look for poisonous plants that should be avoided during hanging your hammock. If your tree is in a bed of plants that could be poisonous, then this is not the right place to hang your hammock. You may need to speak with a plant specialist to ensure that the bed of plants surrounding your potential hammock area are not poisonous.

Look at the brush or dead branches surrounding your two chosen trees before moving forward. Dead branches could be a sign that your two trees are dying. If this tree is on your own property and you plan to hang frequently, consider having a tree specialist to assess your trees before hanging your hammock.

Look at the tree bark to see if there are fungi infections that can spread from tree to tree. Fungi is a sign of an unhealthy tree and hanging your hammock could cause the tree to get more sick and the fungus to spread.

Weather should play a vital part when choosing trees to hang your hammock. The direction of the wind is key to where you need to hang your hammock. Choose an area that is perpendicular to the direction of the wind.

When you are relaxing in your hammock, you want a great view to inspire you while reading a book or falling off to sleep. A great view will put you in a positive mood in your mind, body and spirit.

Ways to Avoid Harming Trees

Using wide straps to hang your hammock is the best way to avoid harming a tree. Wide straps prevent damage to the bark of the tree and is one of the safest ways to hang your hammock. Remember that the bark of the tree is what provides nutrients to a tree that help it to survive.

It is also recommended that you do not tie two or more hammocks to a tree. Two hammocks is a lot of weight for any tree to handle. This could damage the bark of the tree which could lead to stunting its growth or killing the tree.

Another great way to hang a hammock without damaging trees is simply not to use trees. Choose a portable hammock stand that you can easily take with you.

Long Term Damage Caused by Improper Hanging

Long term damages caused by improper hanging include killing a tree over time and stunting the tree’s growth by damaging the bark which is the part that gives the tree nutrients for surviving.

Benefits of Hanging a Hammock Properly

There are many benefits to hanging a hammock properly on a healthy tree. These include easier congestion that is caused by the upright angle of laying in your hammock. It also helps with acid re-flux and improves the circulation to your brain, which allows for unobstructed breathing.

Now that you know how to hang a hammock, you may want to look for the best healthy trees to hang your own hammock and begin relaxing and de-stressing. Remember to look for healthy trees and to use wide straps to eliminate damage to your trees. Do not tie more than one hammock to a tree. The weight of more than one hammock can be damaging to the bark and can stunt the growth or kill a tree.

Look for a strong tree that can hold your hammock and weight for long periods of time. The ideal diameter of your tree should be 12 inches. Having a great view, enough spacing between your two trees, no poisonous plants, no fungi infections in the tree bark and no dead branches or brush in the area is the best way to determine if your two trees meet the requirements for hanging your hammock.

Speak with a tree specialist before beginning to look for the best trees for hanging your hammock. Learn more about the types of trees in your region and which trees are best for hanging your hammock. He may be able to give you information about your new project that will help benefit you and choose the best place for hanging your hammock.

Hanging a hammock can be a fun relaxing activity that can be enjoyed by your entire family. Think of the bonding time that can be enjoyed with your significant other or your children as you read a book to them or talk about good times you have had in the past or activities that you plan on going to in the future.

Establish the best memories in your hammock that you know is not damaging to your trees and does not have any poisonous plants, dead branches or brush that is dangerous to your family. Your trees will provide the much needed shade for your hammock during the summertime for your entire family to enjoy.

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